Voices of ARDS 2020-09-09T18:39:23-05:00


Would you like to increase ARDS Awareness and raise funds for ARDS?

Consider being part of Voices of ARDS.

For a donation of $100, we will use your image, or that of a loved one, as an Voice of ARDS.

ARDS Foundation used a video editor for the images to properly edit the image  I work with an experienced video editor who also has a tremendous amount of creative experience for over 30 years. He used to work in NYC on cutting edge advertisements and also has a healthcare background in his varied career. He is very involved and invested in ARDS Foundation and has been working on some of our most engaging awareness projects.

I, of course, am intricately involved with each image as well.  By utilizing my 20 years experience at ARDS Foundation, as its President, by talking to thousands of those in the ARDS Community over the years, by working with medical professionals, engaging in medical research, and taking every opportunity to do whatever I can to make a difference in the fight against ARDS, I bring my everything to each Voice.

*We ask for you to share 3-5 photos of your loved one (in their original format, meaning no editing at all so that the photo we choose will end up being the best image that will be properly edited for Voices).

*We ask you to share a couple of comments that you felt summed up something particular or impactful for you about ARDS.

*You can also briefly share some information about what happened in general so we can have a greater understanding, even though only one or two thoughts would be included on the image.

*We also need to know the name of you or your loved one and the age that they were when they were diagnosed with ARDS.

Through Voices, we feel we are able to effectively share the image and this piece of someone’s story visually and effectively that gives people a glimpse and that it raises awareness enough hopefully for people to want to learn more, to become educated and informed.  The truth is that when I got ARDS back in 1995, I never heard of it.  And still today, in 2019, most families tell me that they never heard of it until their loved one was diagnosed.  (And the same goes for all those years in between).

If you choose to participate, you consent to the use of the photos and comments to be used on our website and our social media for ARDS awareness, education and fundraising.

We hope that you will agree to participating.  If you have any questions please ask.

Send info to erubin@ardsglobal.org.


Diane M.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Dianne M.

Jodi H.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Jodi H.

Heather S.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Heather S.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Lexi Z.

Francine K.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Francine K.

Russel J.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Russel J.

Sara K.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Sarah K.

Sara R.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Sara R.

Michelle Bourdeaux Carillo

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Michelle C.

Eileen Rubin

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Eileen Rubin

John Murdter

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

John Murdter

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Jordan Martin

Terri Ards Survivor

Please consider

a donation

in honor of


SUBORNA Ards Survivor

Please consider

a donation

in honor of


Michelle Ards Survivor

Please consider

a donation

in honor of


Connie ARDS Survivor

Please consider

a donation

in honor of


Brenda ARDS Survivor

Please consider

a donation

in honor of


Please consider

a donation

in honor of



Please consider

a donation

in memory of


Kathy ARDS Survivor

Please consider

a donation

in memory of


Denise ARDS Survivor

Please consider

a donation

in memory of



Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Tanya Bruce

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Susan East

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Kimberly Wright

Danielle Stasiewicz

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Danielle Stasiewicz

David Richards

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

David Richards

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Diane Stofel

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Gloria Raccio

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Darrel Raikes

Linda Goodman Rose

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Linda Goodman Rose

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Lonna Trombly

Lori Laye

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Lori Laye

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Mary Beth Monahan


Joe Falcone

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Joe Falcone

Ethan Collins

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Ethan Collins

Gabriel S.

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Gabriel S.

Donna H.

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Donna H.

Karen W

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Karen W.

Judi M.

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Judi M.

Dennis J.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Dennis J.

Leonard O'Neill

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Leonard O’Neill

Andrew Endicott

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Andrew Endicott

Judy R.

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Judy R.

Donna H.

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Donna H.




Please consider

a donation

in memory of


Brook Jacobsen

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Brook Jacobsen

Christopher Hughes

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Christopher Hughes

Connie Stauddy

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Connie Stauddy

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Kristina Bowien

Lisa Snow

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Lisa Snow

Angela Bowen Hackney

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Angela Bowen Hackney

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Becky Felton

Kadawna Gasson

Please consider

a donation

in memory of

Kadawna Gasson

Karen Linen

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Karen Linen

Kathleen VanVelse

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Kathleen VanVelse

Nevada C

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Nevada C.

Heather S.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Heather S.

Eileen B.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Eileen B.

Elizabeth B.

Please consider

a donation

in honor of

Elizabeth B.